2022年2月26日 星期六


 Ivan Li李聲揚

[小奇蹟日]至於美股嘅,仲好笑。但,我都話,驚都冇撚驚過啦。有冇老點你?咁你話而家美期又跌緊嘅,另一回事啦。但,刁,明明個個都睇得一日半日,而家又忽然扮長線投資者?「我啲蘋果 迪十尼 JP Morgan仲升緊幾倍添」

1. 講到尾,我唔明點解仲係咁多人,覺得自己可以在個過山車之中左穿右插。得罪講句,你得嘅,你發咗達,係我跟你學嘢啦。但明明大家都試過,係知道唔得的。但偏偏仲係想做到呢樣嘢

2. 背後嘅心態我明嘅,因為想要「安全感」。都話 「人事每天多變更 誰亦盼望有一些預感廿」。但,「煩惱似春風秋雨,季節又似人生」 嘛

3. 好,講TVB太老土,講英文型啲。You want 英文I give you 英文,好好記住:

4. Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security

5. 確定?如果有確定,你就係拎緊10年美債嘅2厘息啦。

6. TLDR:納指熊市喎,咁我點?即時止蝕?定反手造淡?你一晚就輸6%啦。

7. 但認真,四樣嘢

8. 第一樣,我到而家都唔明,做乜啲友覺得啲股票,係要不停「睇住」的。你嘅工作一部份就冇計,你做KOL都冇計,或者你做勞蘇基金,咁明知冇用,但都要有個交代,呢啲都明。但自己投資嘅,做乜要「睇住」?你「睇住」又點?睇住佢點?你睇多幾下幫到烏克蘭集氣?定你覺得你睇多啲,決定就好啲?明顯地就唔係啦。甚至我敢話,你睇得越多,表現就越差。有實驗做過。我做手術成個月,一日可能只係望一次啲倉位。咁固然都會輸錢,但難道你睇多幾次,表現又會好過我?正如我呢排好多時十二點就訓,一樣訓得安心。

9. 第二樣,即係,你做學院派,講DCF DDM甚麼,discounted cashflow,個discount rate 大咗,所以加息,債息高咗(但,邊個話加息長債債息實升?火過當住係先),不利估值,完仕理解。所以你驚加息,有道理。

10. 我好想問一個好簡單嘅問題:俄羅斯打殘咗烏克蘭,歐美制裁甚麼。會重創俄羅斯經濟,我明(當然係咪應該跌50%呢,就……)。烏克蘭經濟重創,我都明。但,即係,以上種種,會唔會令蘋果賣少咗好多iPhone?定WalMart賣少咗嘢?就算會有成本影響(甚麼晶片撚原油撚嗰啲),咁既跌幅,乜都反映晒啦。所以,除咗啲Franz Ferdinand 等射核彈外,大家都知,只係氣氛,係咪?

11. 咁亦即係,絶大多數人,都係任人點,畀個市場牽住行的。即係,你話間公司前景唔掂,就好難搞。但只係情緒上落,就好簡單,因為無數咁多次都見到,實係greed and fear,鐘擺兩邊。咁你當然係唔好畀佢拉住走。

12. 當然有啲人話,「等市場定返先買」。市場定番,仲到你買?況且,點先叫定返?2020年3月,到而家,都仲日日死緊人,幾時「定返」,甚至有啲友話,「2008年只係靠印銀紙根本冇解決問題」,咁幾時先解決?

13. 無數咁多次都畀你見到,就梗係最唔「明朗」嗰時先最好機會買。但當然,講就易,嚇到櫃屎時,邊敢買?2020年3月我都唔敢,但呢排就敢(不過冇乜錢),咁所以好簡單,退而求其次,唔買,都唔好走去沽嘛。

14. 然後帶到第三點,一路好爭議嘅一點。但我依然覺得,止蝕多撚餘。

15. 都唔好講2020年3月嗰啲市況。就計星期四晚,我又走去止蝕?納指低位一日都彈返6%咁滯。你等於一日輸多咗6%。仲要分分鐘之後有排升。況且,你「止蝕」後,幾時入返市?又等「明朗」嗰時?普京好似七十未夠,習生都好似係。你想等到幾時先明朗?

16. 當然呢個「不止蝕」,絶對係反主流(但,主流is overrated啦,正如冇人覺得我搞個Patreon會成功),「咁有機會輸清喎」,係架,會架。但,我贏嘅夠多咪得。好多人就係有呢種奇怪嘅潔癖,覺得買股票不能輸錢。但你拍得拖就會遇到人渣的。

17. 況且,隻嘢,100蚊跌到80蚊,有人話「止蝕」。「但如果我20蚊買呢?」。菩堤本無樹,明鏡亦非台。根本冇撚蝕,何來有得止?

18. 呢度帶到另一個問題,做乜你咁多蝕要止?咪因為你舊年先仆去買。我啲嘢係再之前買落嘅,自然無蝕可止。好啦,咁你話,屌,知你巴撚閉啦早早買蘋果啦,咁但已過去的不可再,今天只可億起嘛。咁,幾時嚟多次低位畀你買?咪就係而家!

19. 取後一樣,「熊市」亦係多撚餘。我到而家,都唔係好知啲人講「熊市」,即係乜。當熬你問我,我就知。牛市即係江振誠,起雙飛,人頭馬一開好事自然來。二世古,懷石。熊市即係譚仔,你個黃面婆(或大肚腩老公),香蜜湖,橋咀島。

20. 但量化呢,哦,有人講「技術性熊市」,而我唔知有點「唔技術」嘅熊市。但OK,同情地理解,高位跌一成就調整,跌兩成就熊市嘛。都係一個名詞啫。

21. 但,你話我知熊市,哦,又如何?用途係乜?基木上係廢的。仲要我功力浮厚咋,換著啲小朋友,你害咗佢添

22. 此話何解?如果你證明到,原來「熊市」,跌完20%,之後就實會繼續跌,咁就好有用。但係咪事實?明顯唔係。咁即係跌完20%後,係繼續跌多,定彈返多?好似都冇人話你知(陣間話你知)

23. 好簡單,納指,屌,昨晚,咪熊市咯。掂一掂。高位跌咗20%。咁我點?又去「止蝕」?熊市喎。但就係掂一掂,即時就低位大反彈。證明呢啲訊息,害人不淺。

24. 好啦,你真係想知嘅,到底熊市後,再跌多,定反彈多?

25. 咁好簡單,一個好簡單嘅常識,但我發好多人係冇常識嘅:股市呢,係長升嘅。至少美股係。

26. 當然你要講Franz Ferdinand 嘅,慢慢。你可以日日去沽空美股的,發達話我知。


重出江湖!Ivan Patreon 已經2000人訂!多謝大家!比別人知得多。subscribe now(bityl.co/9CyV) ,可以睇返晒以前嘅文。港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,

2022年2月16日 星期三



UPST stock’s first trade on the Nasdaq exchange was for $26, and the bulls completely commandeered the price action from there. The share price soared to more than $400 in October 2021.

That was one heck of a wild ride, but soon the investors would suffer from a major hangover. Nasdaq-listed companies were suddenly out of favor on Wall Street in late 2021, and Upstart was swept into the bargain bin with other tech-related businesses.

Fast-forward to mid-February 2022, and UPST stock was trading at around $105. This represents an opportunity for contrarian investors to consider a stake in Upstart, especially if they like the company’s growth prospects.

A Different Kind of Lender
Make no mistake about it. Upstart CEO Dave Girouard is on a mission, and technology-challenged lenders had better watch out. “Lending is the center beam of revenue and profits in financial services, and artificial intelligence may be the most transformational change to come to this industry in its 5,000-year history,” Girouard declared.

That’s quite a statement, but it’s not without merit. If you’ve ever experienced the frustrations of the traditional lending system, then Girouard’s clarion call should resonate.

The CEO wants people to consider “AI-led disruption” as “targeting dramatic inefficiency in one of the largest segments of our economy.”

In a time when fairness in lending is a real problem, Girouard and Upstart would claim that technology is the solution. That’s why Upstart doesn’t rely on credit-score-based lending models.

Instead, the company’s platform uses machine learning to more accurately identify borrower risk. Consequently, Upstart should be able to reduce lending risk while approving more applicants, and thereby provide access to affordable credit.

Top 11 Stocks for 2022

Upstart Partnering to Better Serve Clients
What Girouard and Upstart are doing is certainly disruptive, and could prove to be transformative. Yet, it’s important for the company to gain a sense of legitimacy among the financial community.

To help achieve this, Upstart has established a number of partnerships with banks and credit unions.

With one collaboration after another, Upstart is firming up its own reputation while also serving more clients (the dates shown are of the press releases, not necessarily the formation of the partnerships):

Oct. 27, 2021: Four Corners Community Bank selected Upstart as a lending partner.
Nov. 17: Credit union BCU chose Upstart to help facilitate personal loans.
Dec. 8: First National Bank of Omaha expanded its partnership with Upstart to “scale its personal loan program nationwide.”
Dec. 9: The National Bankers Association partnered with Upstart to “improve access to affordable credit for customers of minority-owned depository institutions.”
Jan. 12, 2022: AgFed Credit Union started a collaboration with Upstart to provide personal loans.
Jan. 26: Corning Credit Union tapped Upstart to help to offer more personal loans through the power of AI.
With each new value-added collaboration, Upstart is cementing its status as a credible lending-tech platform. That’s bad news for stodgy, old lenders and great news for Upstart.

The Takeaway
Clearly, Girouard and Upstart aren’t afraid to overturn a broken lending system.

At the same time, Upstart is expanding its presence through a series of strategic partnerships. Thus, the movement toward better, AI-driven lending is growing quickly.

Today, adventurous investors can participate in this movement through a position in UPST stock. It’s a bold bet, but it could pay off big-time.

2022年2月10日 星期四



